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Prima pagină / Project Results
Gârceni. Eu decid!

Project Results

· Increased access and participation in quality education services for 315 children from vulnerable groups (of which 217 Roma) in Gârceni commune, Vaslui county by organizing a school after school program, providing support packages, organizing an information campaign on combating school drop-out, organizing a school camp with an educational component and providing parental education services;

· Providing support for access to the labour market by offering information, counselling and job mediation services for 540 Roma people belonging to vulnerable groups, by organizing four qualification programs (79 qualified persons), as well as by organizing a job fair event;

· Preventing and combating social exclusion by providing quality dental health services to 438 Roma adults and by providing hygiene awareness and basic hygiene packages to 315 children from vulnerable groups (of which 217 Roma);

· Increased access and participation in quality education services for 315 children from vulnerable groups (of which 217 Roma) in Gârceni commune, Vaslui county by organizing a school after school program, providing support packages, organizing an information campaign on combating school drop-out, organizing a school camp with an educational component and providing parental education services;

· Providing support for access to the labour market by offering information, counselling and job mediation services for 540 Roma people belonging to vulnerable groups, by organizing four qualification programs (79 qualified persons), as well as by organizing a job fair event;

· Preventing and combating social exclusion by providing quality dental health services to 438 Roma adults and by providing hygiene awareness and basic hygiene packages to 315 children from vulnerable groups (of which 217 Roma);

· Developing the individual capacities of Roma from vulnerable groups in the Garceni commune, through the organization of personal development workshops; informative seminars on how to assert their rights, efficient ways to access public services and empower public and private entities; actions on the co-optation and participation of Roma people in decision-making at the level of the Garceni commune,

· Prevention of any form of discrimination of Roma from vulnerable groups in Garceni Commune, Vaslui County by running a training program for staff and volunteers for 128 persons, development of anti-discrimination tools such as a local action plan; organization of public events with the active participation of Roma and majority population, event such as Roma week; presentation of examples of good practices on the fight against discrimination and promotion of rights;